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Border Collie named Ziggy wearing an EzyDog harness.

Ziggy is an adult male Border Collie, and generally wears a size Large in Ezydog Products.


Ziggy is wearing the Convert Harness in size Large. Paired with the Vario 4 Leash.

Brown dog sitting beside owner wearing an EzyDog harness and leash.

Featured Product

Convert HarnessConvert Harness
Convert Harness
Sale priceFrom $74.99
Vario 4 Multi-Function LeashVario 4 Multi-Function Leash

Dog size Medium Dog, Large Dog, XL Dog

Best forDaily Use, CityScapes, Walking

Brown dog sitting beside owner wearing an EzyDog harness and leash.
Convert HarnessConvert Harness
Convert Harness
Sale priceFrom $74.99
Vario 4 Multi-Function LeashVario 4 Multi-Function Leash

Dog size Medium Dog, Large Dog, XL Dog

Best forDaily Use, CityScapes, Walking

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Ziggy is wearing the Drive Harness in size Large.

Featured Product

Black EzyDog Drive Harness with ergonomic fit and safety features.Drive Car Harness
Drive Car Harness
Sale priceFrom $125.99

Dog size All sizes

Best forDaily Use

Black EzyDog Drive Harness with ergonomic fit and safety features.Drive Car Harness
Drive Car Harness
Sale priceFrom $125.99

Dog size All sizes

Best forDaily Use

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