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EzyDog is the classic tale of innovation that cracked open a market, and bootstrapped a business to now establishing a 30 year (young) global market leader.

“Back in ’95, I decided to head back to the Gold Coast from a ‘not so successful’ stint in Sydney. I was hanging around my brother’s water-sports distribution business, trying to create a job within his business, with not a lot of luck. Phil (my brother) told me to take some of the raw materials and try and make something new from them ~ basically a project to get me off the floor and out of his office!

Taking his advice, I sat for hours, actually days, at my kitchen table, to then eventually come up with a style of ‘shock absorbing’ dog leash. Quite proud of my invention, I made up about 100 of them and went down to the local weekend market and set up a stall to see how they would go…. To my own surprise, they sold out within 2 hours!

I went on to sell EzyDog at the markets for 9 years and built an entire network of stallholders throughout Australia and a very backhouse-style factory in my garage. When the Zero Shock Leashes started getting attention in international markets, that’s when the pivotal moment came for the brand and the business. Copycats were on my trail, and so again, through my brother's advice and expertise, we established a strong manufacturing partner in Asia, which enabled us to take EzyDog Worldwide. There’s a lot more in between then and now but today we are in 38 Countries with an internal team of 100+ strong!”

Luke Hatcher - EzyDog Founder

A couple enjoying a sunny outdoor moment with their dog wearing an EzyDog harness.


To be a trusted and most loved (first choice) brand partner to all dedicated dog owners, trainers, carers and professional handlers.

- We partner with our customers for the life of the dog
- We are committed to embracing the lifestyle of the dog owner
- We prioritise the safety of the dog
- We support dogs who serve the community
- We invest in dogs who don’t always have a forever family.

Person holding an EzyDog Click Leash attached to a harnessed dog near a car.


We are a globally trusted brand for dog owners, offering solution-based products that strengthen the bond between dogs and their humans. We prioritise quality, innovation and excellence.

Our world-class engineering, premium materials, global distribution, and design-led product collections are what set us apart. With 30 years of experience in the design, manufacturing and distribution of EzyDog products, we have established a worldwide community of fiercely loyal customers who champion our products through their own purchase satisfaction.

We are the leaders in dog accessories and pet safety and continue to dedicate our entire business ethos to pioneering ingenious products for dogs and their owners.